Starwood Real Estate Income Trust


June 17, 2024

Type of alert:

Are you waiting to get your money from the Starwood Real Estate Income Trust (SREIT)? This $10B non-traded real estate investment trust (non-traded REIT) has been limiting investor redemptions to preserve its cash and credit, fulfilling only $500M of $1.3B in first-quarter withdrawal requests this year. With $2.6B in withdrawal requests for 2023 and $1.3B recently drawn from its $1.5B credit line, SREIT’s total debt is estimated at $15B. SREIT, involved in various real estate sectors, faces liquidity issues amid market instability, rising interest rates, and potential loan defaults. These problems highlight the high-risk nature of non-traded REITs, which can be unsuitable for many retail investors. Brokerage firms must conduct due diligence to ensure such investments align with an investor’s profile, though high commissions often tempt brokers to prioritize sales over clients’ interests.

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