Global Food Technologies, Inc.


July 10, 2018

Type of alert:

Delinquent Periodic Filings  

The SEC released an Order Instituting Administrative Proceedings (Order) against Global Food Technologies, Inc. for repeatedly defaulting in its periodic filings and failing to heed delinquency letters sent by the Division of Corporation Finance.

Global Food Technologies, Inc. is a void Delaware corporation located in Hanford, California that engages in the commercialization of food safety applications for the food processing industry. According to the Order, the company failed to file periodic reports with the SEC since it filed a Form 10-Q for the period that ended on September 30, 2014. This filing reported a net loss of over $1.48 million for the prior nine months.

As a result of the foregoing, Global Food Technologies, Inc. failed to comply with Exchange Act Section 13(a) and Rules 13a-1 and/or 13a-13. The Order requests an investigation to determine whether these allegations are true and if deemed necessary, to instill a sanction on the companies to protect future investors.

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