A.G. Morgan Financial Advisors, LLC, Vincent J. Camarda, and James McArthur


July 11, 2022

Type of alert:

SEC Complaint  

ChapmanAlbin LLC is committed to keeping investors informed about potential broker misconduct. We bring to your attention the recent allegations against Vincent Camarda, owner of A.G. Morgan Advisors, and James McArthur, the Chief Compliance Officer (CCO) of the firm. These individuals are accused of orchestrating a significant fraud that has led to substantial financial losses for their clients.

Background of the Case

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has filed charges against A.G. Morgan Advisors, Vincent Camarda, and James McArthur for their roles in a $7.5 million fraudulent scheme. According to the SEC’s complaint, Camarda and McArthur engaged in deceptive practices that included misrepresenting investments to their clients, failing to disclose conflicts of interest, and misappropriating client funds. The fraudulent activities allegedly took place over several years, with numerous investors being misled and suffering significant financial harm as a result.

The Allegations

The SEC’s complaint details a series of actions taken by Camarda and McArthur that constitute severe breaches of fiduciary duty. Among the key allegations:

  • Misrepresentation of Investments: Camarda and McArthur are accused of presenting false information about the nature and risks of investments to their clients, leading them to believe that they were participating in safe and profitable ventures when, in reality, the investments were high-risk and unsuitable for many of the clients.
  • Failure to Disclose Conflicts of Interest: The complaint alleges that Camarda and McArthur did not adequately inform their clients of significant conflicts of interest. These undisclosed conflicts further compromised the integrity of the investment advice provided by A.G. Morgan Advisors.
  • Misappropriation of Funds: Perhaps most egregiously, Camarda and McArthur are accused of misappropriating client funds for their personal use. This misappropriation involved diverting money that should have been invested on behalf of clients, resulting in substantial financial losses for those who trusted A.G. Morgan Advisors with their investments.

Impact on Investors

The fraudulent activities alleged by the SEC have had devastating consequences for many investors. Clients of A.G. Morgan Advisors, particularly those who entrusted their life savings to the firm, have reported significant financial losses. In some cases, the losses have been catastrophic, wiping out retirement accounts and leaving individuals in precarious financial situations.

Legal Actions and Investor Recourse

In light of these allegations, affected investors are urged to seek legal counsel to explore their options for recovering their losses. Law firms specializing in securities litigation, such as ChapmanAlbin LLC, are actively investigating claims against A.G. Morgan Advisors and the individuals involved. Investors who suffered losses due to the actions of Camarda and McArthur may have grounds to pursue claims for damages through arbitration or litigation.

The SEC’s charges against Vincent Camarda and James McArthur highlight the critical importance of due diligence and vigilance in the investment process. Investors are reminded to carefully vet their financial advisors and to be wary of any red flags that may indicate potential misconduct.


ChapmanAlbin LLC is dedicated to protecting the rights of investors and holding those who engage in fraudulent activities accountable. We will continue to monitor this case closely and provide updates as new information becomes available. If you or someone you know has been affected by the alleged misconduct of Vincent Camarda, James McArthur, or A.G. Morgan Advisors, we encourage you to contact our firm for a free consultation to discuss your legal options.

Contact Us If You Believe You Have a Case

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