Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities

Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities (RMBS) are financial instruments that represent a claim on cash flows from pools of residential mortgage loans. These securities are created when financial institutions package individual mortgage loans, usually from homeowners, into a pool, and then sell interests in that pool to investors. Investors in RMBS receive payments based on the interest and principal payments made by the borrowers on the underlying mortgage loans.

How does the RMBS process work?

  • Originators—Banks, mortgage lenders, or other financial institutions originate individual residential mortgage loans.
  • Pooling—These loans are then bundled together into a pool or trust. The pool may consist of thousands of individual loans with varying terms, interest rates, and risk profiles.
  • Securitization—The pool of mortgages is securitized, meaning that interests in the pool are sold to investors in the form of securities.
  • Cash flows—As homeowners make their mortgage payments, these payments are collected by a servicer and passed through to investors in the RMBS. Investors receive periodic interest payments and, in some cases, principal repayments.

Are Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities a safe investment?

Whether Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities are considered a safe investment depends on several factors, including the quality of the underlying mortgage loans, the structure of the RMBS and prevailing economic conditions. There are key points to consider, including:

  • Credit quality of underlying mortgages—Prime mortgages, made to borrowers with strong credit histories and stable income, are considered safer than subprime mortgages, which are made to borrowers with weaker credit profiles. Keep in mind that RMBS played a significant role in the 2008 financial crisis, as many subprime mortgage loans were packaged into RMBS without proper assessment of the underlying credit risk.
  • Loan-to-value ratios and underwriting standards—Lower loan-to-value ratios and stricter underwriting standards generally indicate lower default risk.
  • Economic conditions and interest rates—Unemployment rates, housing market trends, and interest rates can affect the performance of RMBS.
  • Prepayment risk—RMBS investors are exposed to prepayment risk if borrowers refinance their mortgages or pay them off early.

While RMBS can offer attractive yields and diversification benefits, they carry considerable risk. Investors should conduct thorough due diligence, assess the quality of the underlying mortgages, understand the structure of the RMBS, and consider all prevailing economic conditions before investing.

Take the next steps to find out if you have a claim:

Step 1.

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Step 2.

Quick Review of Your Paperwork

If we think you might have a case, we will need to review a few basic documents. If we determine you have a case, then you will have the option to hire us as your attorneys to pursue it.

Step 3.

Signed Attorney/Client Agreement

If you decide to hire us to pursue your case, we will have you sign an attorney-client agreement so we can begin the process of trying to recover your losses.*

*In the vast majority of cases, our agreement is contingent – meaning you won’t owe us any money unless we recover money for you.

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