PPP Whistleblowers

The Paycheck Protection Program, or PPP, was a U.S. government initiative aimed at providing loans to small businesses affected by the COVID-19 epidemic. Not surprisingly, PPP loan fraud was widespread, with companies fraudulently or improperly using PPP loans.

PPP whistleblowers play a crucial role in exposing Covid relief fund fraud, and holding accountable those who abuse public funds by engaging in PPP fraud. Whistleblowers might report instances of businesses or individuals falsely claiming funds, using funds for unauthorized purposes, or engaging in other forms of fraud or misconduct, which can include:

  • False information—Providing inaccurate or misleading information on PPP loan applications, such as misrepresenting the number of employees.
  • Unauthorized use of funds—Using PPP funds for purposes other than those allowed under the program.
  • Double-dipping—Receiving PPP loans from multiple lenders or submitting multiple applications.
  • Collusion—Conspiring with others to commit PPP fraud.
  • Falsifying documents—Forging documents, such as payroll records or tax documents.

Are PPP loan whistleblowers protected by law?

PPP loan fraud undermined the integrity of the program and diverted resources away from legitimate businesses in need, resulting in significant financial losses for taxpayers, and contributing to public distrust in government relief efforts. Luckily, the False Claims Act (FCA) protects PPP loan whistleblowers from retaliation, allowing them to file lawsuits on behalf of the government against those who have committed Covid relief fund fraud.

In fact, whistleblowers may be eligible for PPP loan fraud whistleblower rewards under the FCA if they report instances of fraud that result in successful recoveries by the government. If the lawsuit is successful and results in the recovery of funds, the individual may be entitled to receive a portion of the recovered amount as a reward.

PPP whistleblowers interested in reporting PPP loan fraud or misconduct should consult with licensed, experienced attorneys who are familiar with whistleblower laws and regulations, to understand their rights and potential rewards under applicable laws.

Take the next steps to find out if you have a claim:

Step 1.

Talk to an Experienced Attorney Today

Call and speak to one of our attorneys* for a no-cost consultation to discuss your situation, answer your questions, and help you determine the next steps. This call usually takes about 15 minutes, but we are happy to talk to you as long as you would like!

Step 2.

Quick Review of Your Paperwork

If we think you might have a case, we will need to review a few basic documents. If we determine you have a case, then you will have the option to hire us as your attorneys to pursue it.

Step 3.

Signed Attorney/Client Agreement

If you decide to hire us to pursue your case, we will have you sign an attorney-client agreement so we can begin the process of trying to recover your losses.*

*In the vast majority of cases, our agreement is contingent – meaning you won’t owe us any money unless we recover money for you.

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